530.723.5008 Office@WindingRiverMed.com
Voted #1 on Google
Drs. Low, Dr. Taca, Anita Frykberg, LAc, Lan Wang, LAc
Acupuncture &
Chinese Medicine
***Masks Required In Office. Full details here***
C-Section Scar Removal
Permanent Breakdown of Scar Tissue Treatment
Stimulates Collagen Production Resulting in New Youthful, Clear Skin
Gentle Microneedling Breaks Down the Scar Tissue Permanently
Non-Invasive, No Sedation Required
Great Looking Results-No Leftover Discoloration or Uneven Skin Seen in Some Other Procedures
No Recovery Time Like in Other Procedures
Flat Rate, Affordable Pricing Covers Almost All Women
Start Seeing Results
Right Away
Don't Feel Ashamed to
Show Your Belly Anymore!
After 2 of 10 Included Treatments
Smoothing of Scar Tissue
Lightening of Discoloration Close to the Scar
Removal of Vertical Lines
Shortening of Scar Length
Why Pick Us?
Pricing & Visits
Treatment Procedure:
Numbing Cream Applied (Optional)
Microneedling Performed
Herbal Oil Made with Organic Herb Extracts to Increase Treatment Effectiveness and Eliminate Recovery Time. Dressing is Then Provided to Cover.
Our Flat Fee Pricing covers up to 10 treatments. This will be enough for the vast majority of women for a single cost - no wondering how much the total cost will be or ending up with some discoloration or scar tissue remaining. Most women will need 5 to 7 of the 10 included treatments, performed 5 weeks apart.
Our current rate is 1800. In the unlikely event additional treatments are needed beyond the initial 10, they are available for 125 each.
Patients should be at least 6 months post-partum so the skin has settled. They should also not be breast feeding if they want to use the numbing cream provided. The treatment can be provided without numbing cream, it will just be mildly painful for just a couple minutes. Patients who do not use the numbing cream usually rate the pain at tolerable 2 out of 10.